Joy in Lesotho

Joy in Lesotho

Monday, April 20, 2015

Tea with the Queen

Over the weekend was the, "DO NOT MISS EVENT" to quote Queen 'Me 'MaSenate...

The 4th Annual Queen's Garden Party. This event is held to raise funds for a Charity Trust the Queen established 30 years ago to assist at risk children, specifically to fund their education. I have attended the tea before, but this year I stepped in to host a table for a friend who was away on holiday. What a hoot! As hostess I was able to invite some ladies from my Bible study and some MAF friends and their daughters.

For my women friends who attend Rose Drive Friends, this is like the Christmas Desserts... only with royalty.

The highlight for me was having a brief moment with the Queen before the guests arrived. We were getting the tables organized and 'Me 'MaSenate had walked up behind me.  When I turned around I recognized her and was able to greet her in Sesotho and thank her for the opportunity to share the day with her... she replied in English,

"Your Sesotho is very, very good, 'Me... I'm glad you are here as a friend to Lesotho."

I certainly don't speak as much Sesotho as I would like, but (according to the Queen) I do speak it well. I'm told I have hardly any American accent at all.

It's always worth celebrating the little victories! Here are some pictures from the event... enjoy!
Barb & V

I'd love to know what Barb said to elicit the Queen's reaction!

Proteas & Peacock Feathers - exercising my flower arranging skills

Elizabeth, Sara's daughter.

Emma, Joselyn's daughter

Evelyn, a dear friend - isn't she stunning at 92?

The flower arrangement

Annie was a finalist in the running for the best hat

Joselyn, Emma, Annie & Melisa - MAF teammates

Mmmmmmmmmmm Makoenya - so yummy!

Mamie, another friend in her 80's... love her smile

Melisa won a prize in the drawing

Our moment with the Queen... such a gracious hostess!


The Queen and her Aunt, who has become a good friend of mine.

The Belles of the Ball... all of them in their 70's or older

The Queen's Speech

Our Table

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